Hi there, There is now an extensive “A Gospel Line” Gallery section on the website courtesy of Fr. Philip McShane. Check it out here.
Hi folks, I added the cast profile shots for this years show, “A Gospel Line”. Check it out here Please let me know if there are any misspellings or if I mixed up your photo with some one elses. […]

Web site re-launch & Poster Hi all, After nearly two months lost in the internet ether the Now and Then Productions website has come back to life. Just in time in the run up to our 2015 production “A Gospel […]

Hi there, There is now an extensive Jesus Christ Superstar Gallery section on the website courtesy of Fr. Philip McShane. Check it out here. Here is a few examples:-

Hi there, There is now a section on the website showing the fantastic Jesus Christ Superstar cast. Check it out here. There is also a section for the crew here. Here is a few examples:-

Hi all, A large selection of cast rehearsal photos have been added to a page in the Super Secret Cast Area. Check them out here. (Cast only)